福昕风腾PDF电子文档处理套件简称“福昕高级PDF编辑器”,它基于业界最优秀的Foxit极速安全PDF引擎,专业级的PDF文档处理、PDF智能表单应用,独具特色的可控文档分发安全技术,具有中国完全自主产权、媲美Adobe Acrobat,成为全球最流行的PDF专业产品,被中央政府、中直机关、央企列为采购目录。
福昕高级PDF编辑器与Adobe Acrobat类似,是一款处理PDF文档的工具,PDF创建、修改、转换以及安全。它可以直接对PDF文档进行编辑、修改,而无需事先将PDF文档转化为Word等格式文件,其文本编辑工具可以利用OCR自动识别文本框并允许用户在文本框中进行段落编辑。福昕风腾PDF电子文档处理套件企业版在标准版的功能上进行延伸和拓展,提供发起共享审阅、高级编辑、安全和文件压缩功能,是企业必备的一套完整的PDF解决方案。标准版功能齐全,包括阅读、创建、编辑、注释、安全、文档签名等功能。
Featured PDF Software Products
Foxit PhantomPDF is a business ready PDF toolkit to create professional looking PDF documents and forms. You can do that for tasks such as developing personal documents, implementing workgroup collaboration, designing company forms. Produce company collateral, finalizing agreements, applying digital signatures, or document archiving.
Award winning Foxit PhantomPDF allows you to produce great looking PDF document and forms quickly, affordably, and securely. This is the perfect solution for home/home offices, small and medium sized businesses, and large enterprises. Foxit PhantomPDF comes in three versions to fit the diverse use cases that different users require.
Foxit PhantomPDF can combine, split or repackage various PDF files. The documents can be merged or split based on page numbers, page outlines or bookmarks. Plus, this Suite can batch convert existing documents to a single or multiple PDF files.
Feature rich PDF Editor to quickly and easily work on PDF documents.
- Better collaboration generates better documents
- Easily modify PDF files
- Document management and tracking
- Scan, OCR, and compress
- Protect and sign
- Organize and create
Leverage Foxit’s powerful, standard-compliant PDF technology.
Rendition Server
Enterprise platform for standardized conversion to PDF and PDF/A.
Foxit Reader & MobilePDF
Free feature rich PDF readers on desktop and mobile devices.
PDF Compressor
High volume server-based document OCR and compression.
2D barcode generation engine to capture PDF fillable form data.
PDF Toolkit
Set of command line modules to perform specific workflow tasks.
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