EdrawMind V9.0.10 – Dec 29, 2021
1. Now you can run multiple instances of EdrawMind on one computer at the same time;
2. Added a new quick entry for mind map creation;
3. Now you can switch and confirm the selected pop-up button through the shortcut keys: Tab and Enter;
4. Optimized software upgrade experiences;
5. Optimized the experience of outline editing and exporting;
6. Fixed some display problems when opening a note in special cases;
7. Fixed some adaptation problems when connecting an external monitor;
8. Fixed the display issue of outline and frame when printing branches;
9. Fixed some other crashes and known issues.
* 基于官方版拆包,反汇编处理,解锁专业版
* 脱离产品密钥依赖,所有专业高级功能可用
* 删除检测升级组件,多国语言文件